
Growth & Jobs | SEBI Brings Hope

Government agencies, the managers, employees and beneficiaries of social enterprises which gained from the initiatives of the Social Enterprise Boost Initiative (SEBI), a project of the JN Foundation and the United States Agency of International Development (USAID), have commended the work gained from the project over the last six years.

The praises were conferred at the final event in the series of SEBI Biz Mix networking sessions, which was held at the Serengetti Bistro, Hope Zoo in St Andrew recently.

“I really want to put my stamp on the work that the JN Foundation achieved through the implementation of the SEBI Project,” Charmaine Brimm, technical specialist at the Planning Institute of Jamaica (PIOJ), said. “I want to hold it up as, ‘what we would call a best practice’ because our studies now reveal that the social enterprise model has actually trumped regular businesses in terms of its ability to scale and make profits.”