Goals & Strategic Objectives

CRP Goal
Citizens are empowered to live full and satisfied lives and have transformed their volatile and vulnerable communities into secure, cohesive, just, prosperous and healthy environments.

Strategic Objectives
The CRP is being implemented around six strategic areas:


1. Governance: Democratic leadership and decision-making processes

Strategic Objective
Communities are capacitated and participating in democratic processes

a. What are the strategies under the Governance component?

  • Strengthen legitimate and participatory local governance structures and the relationship between them in CRP communities 
  • Increase transparency and accountability in governance
  • Strengthen community and parish development planning


b. A range of strategic actions are undertaken in collaboration with key partners to achieve the desired results under the Governance component. These include:

  • Strengthen the capacity of CDCs (where they exist) and community-based organizations to ensure broad and reliable representation 
  • Ensure the provision of service at stipulated standard within CRP communities  
  • Conduct community/beneficiary-led monitoring and evaluation of service provider performance
  • Conduct readiness assessment using Community Renewal Readiness Tool  
  • Support SDC in the preparation and revision of community plans in CRP communities, integrating elements of the readiness assessment process

2. Social Transformation: Cohesion; shared, positive values and attitudes among community members

aStrategic Objectives

    1. Improved social inclusion and cohesion among target population
    2. Reduced vulnerability


a. What are the strategies under the Social Transformation component?

  • Improve social skills among target populations
  • Reduce inter and intra community conflict
  • Improve quality of service to target population
  • Improve health practices among target population
  • Increase parenting skills and practices
  • Reduce intra familial conflict /abuse/violence

b. A range of strategic actions are undertaken in collaboration with key partners to achieve the desired results under the Social Transformation component. These include:

  • Behaviour modification programmes aimed at reshaping positive values and healthy lifestyles among target groups in CRP communities
  • Sport and cultural activities that seek to build bridges between neighbouring communities 
  • Community fora to increase residents’ awareness of rights, responsibilities and entitlement with respect to their engagement with duty bearers 
  • Develop and implement targeted programmes for nutrition, mental health, sexual reproductive health, and environmental health
  • Effective parenting workshops and other programmes tailored to the needs of target population
  • Develop or scale up public education initiatives to sensitize communities to the various forms of abuse and human trafficking

3. Safety and Justice: A safe environment with mechanisms to ensure justice

Strategic Objective

Increased safety and justice within communities

a. What are the strategies under the Safety and Justice component?

  • Effective community-based policing supported 
  • Increase utilization of evidence-based approaches to crime and victimization
  • Increase school safety 
  • Increase access to justice services at the community level 

b. A range of strategic actions are undertaken in collaboration with key partners to achieve the desired results under the Safety and Justice component. These include:

  • Design and implement community-based interventions aimed at strengthening relationships and increasing trust between the police and citizens in CRP communities 
  • Strengthen data management systems (including the Jamaica Crime Observatory (JCO) and the community scorecard system) for evidence-based crime prevention and mitigation
  • Design and implement effective school safety programmes
  • Develop and implement community level justice interventions that would include mediation activities to restore and secure peace

4. Physical Transformation: Improvements to the built and natural environments

Strategic Objective

Improved quality of the natural and built environment

a. What are the strategies under the Physical Transformation component?

  • Improve access to quality housing 
  • Reduce informal settlements in CRP communities 
  • Enhance the connective infrastructure within CRP communities
  • Improve water and sanitation 
  • Increase healthy public spaces within communities 
  • Increase resilience of households and communities to respond to natural and manmade hazards and climate change

b. A range of strategic actions are undertaken in collaboration with key partners to achieve the desired results under the Physical Transformation component. These include:

  • Rehabilitate/upgrade existing structures within CRP communities
  • Develop solutions for identified informal settlements in CRP communities
  • Support efforts by the major utility agencies to introduce innovative solutions and services  
  • Develop and implement sustainable and innovative solutions to address water and sanitation issues in CRP communities 
  • Develop and implement maintenance plans/arrangements for sustaining community socio-economic infrastructure 
  • Increase public engagement, education, and outreach activities focused on disaster mitigation and climate change resilience

5. Socio- Economic Development: Economic Prosperity

Strategic Objective

Economic self-sufficiency among community members

a. What are the strategies under the Socio- Economic Development component?

  • Improve employability
  • Increase employment opportunities 
  • Promote entrepreneurship 

b. A range of strategic actions are undertaken in collaboration with key partners to achieve the desired results under the Socio- Economic Development component. These include:

  • Design and implement relevant training programmes that address labour market needs 
  • Develop or scale up apprenticeship, internship and mentorship programmes across CRP communities 
  • Develop social enterprises and social entrepreneurs 
  • Support/promote community linkages to sustainable business incubators/enabler network that delivers business services to early-stage innovation-driven entrepreneurs

6. Youth Development: Inclusion of youth in all developmental process

Strategic Objective

Holistic development of children and youth ensured/achieved

a. What are the strategies under the Youth Development component?

  • Reduce youth involvement in crime 
  • Increase participation of youth in legitimate governance frameworks and positive development initiatives  
  • Increase support for vulnerable children and youth 
  • Improve sexual and reproductive health and general health practices among youth 
  • Increase employability and access to employment opportunities for youth in CRP communities

b. A range of strategic actions are undertaken in collaboration with key partners to achieve the desired results under the Youth Development component. These include:

  • Design and implement or scale up programmes aimed at tackling serious crime prevention and community safety such as reduction of youth involvement in gangs and psychosocial programmes aimed at maladjusted youth 
  • Promote and coordinate youth participation and representation in community governance structures, including Community-based Organizations (CBOs), Community Development Committees (CDCs) and Development Area Committees (DACs)
  • Design and implement or scale up programmes targeting at-risk children and youth including those in conflict with the law, school dropouts, and those in need of care and protection  
  • Design and implement or scale up programmes that are focused on improving sexual reproductive and other health practices amongst youth to prevent and address: 
    • Teenage pregnancies 
    • Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) 
    • Substance abuse 
    • Mental health problems